Monday, October 25, 2010

Spineblogger's Hit Parade

TSB was cruising in the iron horse this afternoon, wondering was there anything of real interest going on in spine.  I guess if you're looking for a little bit of Sup-stance, is that the French spelling, or if you want some Pro-fessional Stim-ulation, it seems that its been a l'il quiet in spine.  So I leaned over to the IPhone and plugged it into the Beamer and turned on some Monte Montgomery.  This Austin based acoustic guitar virtuoso can pack more stimulation into one afternoon than a $3,500 piece of plastic.   His soulful vocals and blistering guitar playing skills make him a must between cases.  As for finishing the day, there's nothing like throwing in some Eli "Paperboy" Reed to get the juices flowin', so tune in and turn it up, TSB wants to know if you're bored and tired of the same ol' same ol.....what's going down in spine, have we hit a lull or are we still playing the blues?


  1. Cadillac Jack Dupree once sang, "I used to be particular bout the wimens I meet, they had to tender, lean, and long. Now I take'em boll-legged, knock-kneed, hell I even taken bald...I got to lower my over-head!

    " I been down so god damn long that it looks like up to me..."
    Jim Morrison

  2. This blog is beginning to seem a little dull. What's the dealio?

  3. ther are no dull blogs only dull people

  4. I hate to be a gossip queen but as long as nothing new is going on, why not spread a few rumors?

  5. I heard a manager with Alpha Tec was sexting/texting dick pics to chicks.

  6. An existential post by the TSB met with such rancor and sophomoric posts..... hmm, such posts could possibly be indicative of our industry's plight; akin to the fat kid trying to grab the conch when he really should just eat his box of twinkies and go to bed.

    TSB, stay on the game and continue........ all others..... please steer clear of the twinkies. Our healthcare system, I mean our spine industry, will thank you.

  7. This is great TSB. I've learned about gay bars in NYC, best BBQ and some rockin' new music. What a great social blog. Do you think Britney is over? Love your thoughts on 'Glee' also.
    Can't wait to share this in the OR. BTW...TSB should stand for Totally Superior Being...LOL ;-) XXOO

  8. Those people in Illinois must spend a lot of time watching Glee and following Britney Spears.

  9. there's more to life than spine products and propaganda

  10. You fools! The future lies in the free market!
    They will pay cash!

  11. “Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.”

    Tier 1 - Perspiring
    Tier 2 - In lull
    Tier 3 - Playing the blues

  12. MM: I saw Monte Montgomery in Austin once. Loved the show, so I bought a CD. The CD was a let down to be honest, but I'll give it a new listen. Give Keb Mo and Current Swell (Coming Home) a shot.

    In terms of Spine....yawn. There is talk of rollups. Putting a bunch of losers together seems like building a giant pile of BS. I guess SeaSpine is looking for an exit, though I don't know why.

  13. Check out Eli "Paperboy" Reed. He is the Schizz! Nothing really going on in spine working on a future outlook. Thnx

  14. Does ANYONE know anything about the NOC2 deal being passed around to docs? I have heard $150k for a poster review for 40 docs.....crazy shit and quite a few docs are buying into it.

    What say you TSB?

  15. Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference in Memphis, TN last week hosted by MB Ventures.

    TSB .. where you there ?? what did you think ?
