Recently one of our readers commented, "what this industry needs is an independent, professional, moderated blog!" Are you serious? First of all Einstein let TSB explain some facts before anyone reads the proceeding post. This blog has been as independent of anyone's influence as any public forum has ever been. We have never taken one dollar from the industry. As for professional? Well, TSB and those that have contributed to our forum continue to represent themselves with some modicum of decorum unlike many of you that work in the industry believing in words like "ethics and integrity." You are correct in stating that a blog needs to be moderated, but then, wouldn't you be one of first to declare that your first amendment rights have been violated if TSB decided to delete your comment because I did't like what you said about me or for that matter someone else. As usual there are rules......try not to be too vulgar, don't bring anyone's spouse or children into the picture and everyone is fair game. Don't be so thin skinned, I've been called more names than anyone else and have never censored someone's opinion. TSB is not the N.Y. Times, the WSJ, or the Washington Post, or for that matter Orthopedics This Week (if ever there was a shill for the industry and proud of it). If TSB wrote about how wonderful everything was, you and your cohorts would declare that TSB sold his soul to the industry. That's what today's journalist lack, the truth. Making those types of comments brings you some temporary relief, its like ibuprofen, yet your comments are as funny as reading that Tom Horton, CEO of American Airlines did a tremendous job leading the company out of bankruptcy, only to be rewarded with a severance package of nearly $20 million. But on to our next post.............................
We know that the U.S. Healthcare Industry has become Barnum and Bailey's greatest show on earth. Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right. The words that are synonymous with spine include; chiseler, gouger, scammer, swindler, con artist, cheater, rip-off artist, con man, con woman, charlatan and off-course "puttana," which is the most appropo word that clearly defines this industry. Many of you experience or even exhibit this type of behavior on a daily basis. Whether you are dealing with hospital administrators, surgeons, company management teams, O.R. supervisors, the companies you work for, the patients, the thieves (who's getting those kickbacks) that created RapeTrax, VendorRape, the POD's, POC's, Orthoworld, OTW, and last but not least Physician Owned Hospitals. The bottom line is that there is no honor amongst thieves, at least not in this lifetime. Greed rules and selfishness takes precedence over any sanity. But then again, when you have never thought for yourselves, many of you deserve to be herded like cattle or sheep. Wonder why the government finally got involved in slapping around healthcare? How many senseless procedures? How many more diagnostic tests? We are an industry that continues to sprial out of control, while the CEO's and surgeons blame tort reform. Hell, forget about the industry, just look at the behavior of our elected officials. Who ever said that great dynasty's don't collapse? History has proven that, and will prove that our success and greed was our own demise. Let's go to China, the next medical device frontier, where then? Space? The final frontier?
The recent brouhaha regarding the medical device tax has been a joke. The hoopla surrounding the tax resulted in AdvaMed justifying its existence (does anyone actually listen to this lame duck organization) by making statements and creating blow-charts is an embarrassment as to how the tax will impact company employees and innovation (what innovation) when companies have every intent of passing on the tax to its customers in one shape or manner. It's called creative finance. But this tax has provided medical device companies the impetus to rationalize decreasing your commissions by blaming the big bad boogie man. Let's take an example. Has anyone in the medical device industry truly questioned a company on how it can substantiate laying-off 100 employees in response to the medical device tax, and then state in a press release that there was redundancy in their job descriptions? Even Olivier Dohuon, Smith and Nephews CEO had to back track on Joe Metzger's press release. Hey, Joe try not stepping on your Johnson (as they say in England). The reason that no one has the "chutzpah" to question this type of response is because the same platforms that report on the industry are as complicit in their behavior as they are in shaping industry news. Let's make it positive. Let's create confidence in our marketplace. It's the same bullshit that is regurgitated by those manipulating the stock market. How many medical device CEO's have ever made concessions in their pay or bonuses? Actually it's mind boggling there are CEO's in the spine industry managing $5-$10 million dollar companies are paying themselves a $250k salary in addition to bonuses while they manipulate investors, their employees, and their Board of Directors. But what does it say about the investors? To politicize a lame corporate decision is an embarrassment. The reason the industry behaves this way is because many of you have forgotten where you came from. You blame everyone else for the lack of innovation except yourselves. If the industry and the individuals that run these companies spent as much time on innovating as they do deal making, or bullshitting the analysts on their calls, the device would be a noble industry to work in. How ironic, August can't come fast enough.
We know that the U.S. Healthcare Industry has become Barnum and Bailey's greatest show on earth. Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right. The words that are synonymous with spine include; chiseler, gouger, scammer, swindler, con artist, cheater, rip-off artist, con man, con woman, charlatan and off-course "puttana," which is the most appropo word that clearly defines this industry. Many of you experience or even exhibit this type of behavior on a daily basis. Whether you are dealing with hospital administrators, surgeons, company management teams, O.R. supervisors, the companies you work for, the patients, the thieves (who's getting those kickbacks) that created RapeTrax, VendorRape, the POD's, POC's, Orthoworld, OTW, and last but not least Physician Owned Hospitals. The bottom line is that there is no honor amongst thieves, at least not in this lifetime. Greed rules and selfishness takes precedence over any sanity. But then again, when you have never thought for yourselves, many of you deserve to be herded like cattle or sheep. Wonder why the government finally got involved in slapping around healthcare? How many senseless procedures? How many more diagnostic tests? We are an industry that continues to sprial out of control, while the CEO's and surgeons blame tort reform. Hell, forget about the industry, just look at the behavior of our elected officials. Who ever said that great dynasty's don't collapse? History has proven that, and will prove that our success and greed was our own demise. Let's go to China, the next medical device frontier, where then? Space? The final frontier?
The recent brouhaha regarding the medical device tax has been a joke. The hoopla surrounding the tax resulted in AdvaMed justifying its existence (does anyone actually listen to this lame duck organization) by making statements and creating blow-charts is an embarrassment as to how the tax will impact company employees and innovation (what innovation) when companies have every intent of passing on the tax to its customers in one shape or manner. It's called creative finance. But this tax has provided medical device companies the impetus to rationalize decreasing your commissions by blaming the big bad boogie man. Let's take an example. Has anyone in the medical device industry truly questioned a company on how it can substantiate laying-off 100 employees in response to the medical device tax, and then state in a press release that there was redundancy in their job descriptions? Even Olivier Dohuon, Smith and Nephews CEO had to back track on Joe Metzger's press release. Hey, Joe try not stepping on your Johnson (as they say in England). The reason that no one has the "chutzpah" to question this type of response is because the same platforms that report on the industry are as complicit in their behavior as they are in shaping industry news. Let's make it positive. Let's create confidence in our marketplace. It's the same bullshit that is regurgitated by those manipulating the stock market. How many medical device CEO's have ever made concessions in their pay or bonuses? Actually it's mind boggling there are CEO's in the spine industry managing $5-$10 million dollar companies are paying themselves a $250k salary in addition to bonuses while they manipulate investors, their employees, and their Board of Directors. But what does it say about the investors? To politicize a lame corporate decision is an embarrassment. The reason the industry behaves this way is because many of you have forgotten where you came from. You blame everyone else for the lack of innovation except yourselves. If the industry and the individuals that run these companies spent as much time on innovating as they do deal making, or bullshitting the analysts on their calls, the device would be a noble industry to work in. How ironic, August can't come fast enough.
And they we have the "new new thing" in corporate tactics that some of the smaller companies or start-ups are employing. It's called poaching your business or stealing your customers right out from underneath you, while you are a distributor or even an employee, aka "tortuous interference." The behavior of these individuals is despicable at best. Many of you even know who they are. How many of you have been involved with these characters? You know the ones that get hired as a VP of Sales and continue to keep their distributorships, bastardizing the marketplace by driving down competitive pricing. As Oliver Wendall Holmes once said, ignorance is no excuse for lack of jurisprudence. Tortuous interference is when a company or individual (we know who you are) intentionally damage(s) your contract or business relationships resulting in a loss of capital and livelihood. Of course, some of these companies will pooh-pooh this commentary, but considering that this tort is broadly divided into two categories, one pertaining to contractual relationships and the other to business relationships, you do have legal recourse. How many of you have been duped by providing these assholes your customer information only to find out that they went out and cut their own deal by undercutting the pricing that they had established for you. Some of these people need to get their legs broken. Ethics? Integrity? The mob had more honor. Maybe the industry needs a hit squad, ey? Isn't it time to give some of the same people that you thought were your acquaintances (friends would be to nice of a word), that run these companies an old fashion ass whooping? Hell, there are even physicians that are just as complicit it doing this by collaborating with the companies that hire them as consultants. They also should be sued. TSB knows that many of you have been screwed. Power is in numbers. You can run or you can fight, in any event, it is easier to bring together multiple parties and collectively stick the screws to these assholes.
While we are on the subject of Nuvasive, Nuvasive was recently skewered by some analysts as to how this company is being managed by a team whose time may have potentially come and gone. It's entertaining to sit in on their analysts' call and hear "Da bear" make excuses as to how his "cheetah's" are being poached by the competition. As Warren Zevon once sang, "poor, poor, pitiful me." Excuses! Excuses! Excuses! Even the analysts are starting to laugh. Could time be passing this management team by? How does this team retain talent when they burn everyone out? Even the Area VP's are stressed out. It gets funnier when Alex makes innuendos that the competition are using unsavory tactics that are not based on "innovative products or responsive customer service." Customer service? If anything, Alex is starting to run out of ideas considering he is implementing an old program called the "nuva touch." Didn't Ma Bell have a program like that? As for surgeons leaving for greener pastures, you know what they say on the Street, "money talks and bullshit walks." How quickly have some people forgotten who helped them get to where they are today? As for reps leaving, well let's put it this way, when you treat your people like dog meat, chew them up, burn them out and spit them out, you are always going to have employees looking for greener pastures. I mean isn't spine all about the art of the deal? Unfortunately, the psychology of managing people is not a course requirement at many MBA programs. As my grandpappy use to say, "you get more accomplished with sugar than you do with a flamethrower. It's all about market conditions son!" And the market is not getting any easier. Hospitals are attempting to redefine what free-markets constitute by keeping vendors and sales people out by creating immeasurable and ludicrous barriers. Hey Team Cheetah, this isn't Sofamor Danek circa 1973. If a company like Nuvasive is so confident that their technology is far superior to anything out there, why are they compelled to sue their employees when they opt to leave for greener pastures? Not so confident, ey? It's funny how the Cheetah's running the zoo place the blame on everyone and everything else instead of their own inabilities to adjust to a changing marketplace. It would be interesting to see if Alex and Keith can survive as the Street continues to question and challenge their strategy, tactics, and excuses. Why would anyone believe that this company is prepared for its billion dollar run? As for Alex, he is a disgrace to his profession for calling out the POTUS on his conference call as a socialist. He is a poor loser, just like Vanilla ice. In business, no one wants to know your political persuasion, it's poor etiquette. Besides, if Alex is so concerned about Obamacare maybe he should move his manufacturing to his beloved Russian where they would really teach him about being critical of the government.
do svidaniya
Yeah, you know it: 1st!!
ReplyDeleteTSB, EXTREMELY well said. Not a better example of hypocrisy then the cries coming from La Jolla. After all, wasn't "poaching" the exact tactic that NUVA employed for both their direct & distributor sales force? How did they grow as rapidly as they did from 2005-2011? I bet that at one time, probably every AVP, SD,or ABM who worked there had come from another competing spine company.
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with comments on AdvaMed ("...lame duck organization."). I don't think anyone pays attention to them but maybe they should. If you are shocked that 5 million dollar companies pay CEO's 250K then you'll really get a kick out of AdvaMed's books:
Pretty nice gig. Check out 2009 Form 990, Schedule J. CEO base salary: $891,000.00. $13 million in salaries and other compensation--close to half of revenue! We're in the wrong end of this business!!
Stryker strikes again only it's worse this time! Their latest batch of victims, the Cervicore victims, were injured even more grievously than the hip implant victims and there was even more criminality involved. CerviCore is an artificial disk implant meant for implantation into the cervical spine. Not only is it a metal shedding Frankenstein design like the Stryker hip implants, the Cervicore disk never received FDA approval for use in patients. It gets worse, the Cervicore disk never even received FDA approval to be used in clinical trials or IDE (Investigational Device Exemption). The Cervicore disk is such a piece of shit that it could not even get and IDE from the FDA but that didn't stop Stryker's doctors from implanting them in the spine of patients.
DeleteCurrently the is a class action lawsuit being filed against Stryker Medical.
On Friday April 11, 2014 the law firm of Zoll, Kranz & Borgess, LLC filed a lawsuit behalf of a group of fourteen plaintiffs against Howmedica Osteonics Corp. (which does business as Stryker Spine) alleging Howmedica’s trial device called called CerviCore injured them.
Stryker Howmedica Facing Class Action Law Suit
WRONG WRONG WRONG - you hate on NuVa constantly and will be EATING those words in 2013 - watch and learn TSB - watch and learn.
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean Mr. French will be handing out more options to surgeons in 2013 if they give him some business?
Deletewhere's buffy and jodi, aka the guys on the east coast
DeleteHow many cliches can be used in one post, really. Talk about lacking innovation or originality go back and look at your posts over the last six months. It is the same recycled points time and time again. Do you just cut and paste from prior posts or do you actually retype? You hate Nuvasive, OTW and CEOs; you love Obamacare and the device tax; and there is no innovation in spine; we got it. Please say something new or original as your repetitive themes are tiresome.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Genius 11:02, How about something innovative and/or creative out of you instead of bitching?
DeleteTsb is a liberal weenie not very fond of the industry either. Is there any good at all? I think so.
ReplyDeleteBut you are right about Nuva. And GoBust is doing the same thing. At all costs. Right DP?
An unlikely liberal, more of a free thinker with no ties to either party, its all about truth our industry sucks we have created our own monster and need to face reality. Omega POD was Spine 360 in disguise, how many surgeons have await a hand out for some stupid idea in exchange for their business. Nuvasive acts as though they never paid any off, let's get real. it is tough throwing stones when we all live in a glass house.
DeleteWah! Wah! Wah! Nothing is new, same companies saying the same old BS, Nuvasive is leaking fluid, the hydraulics are breaking down and the captain of the ship's time has come and gone. How well can a company stretch the accounting rules is beyond any reason.
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ReplyDeletetortious interference of business.
Tortious interference with contract rights can occur where the tortfeasor convinces a party to breach the contract against the plaintiff, or where the tortfeasor disrupts the ability of one party to perform his obligations under the contract, thereby preventing the plaintiff from receiving the performance promised. The classic example of this tort occurs when one party induces another party to breach a contract with a third party, in circumstances where the first party has no privilege to act as it does and acts with knowledge of the existence of the contract. Such conduct is termed tortious inducement of breach of contract.
Tortious interference with business relationships occurs where the tortfeasor acts to prevent the plaintiff from successfully establishing or maintaining business relationships. This tort may occur when a first party's conduct intentionally causes a second party not to enter into a business relationship with a third party that otherwise would probably have occurred. Such conduct is termed tortious interference with prospective business relations, expectations, or advantage or with prospective economic advantage.
Although the specific elements required to prove a claim of tortious interference vary from one jurisdiction to another, they typically include the following:
1.The existence of a contractual relationship or beneficial business relationship between two parties.
2.Knowledge of that relationship by a third party.
3.Intent of the third party to induce a party to the relationship to breach the relationship.
4.Lack of any privilege on the part of the third party to induce such a breach.
5.The contractual relationship is breached.
6.Damage to the party against whom the breach occurs. [1]
The first element may, in employment-at-will jurisdictions, be held fulfilled in regards to a previously unterminated employer/employee relationship.
Typical legal remedies for tortious interference include economic losses if they can be proven with certainty and mental distress. Additionally punitive damages may be awarded if malice on the part of the wrongdoer can be established.
Equitable remedies may include injunctive relief in the form of a negative injunction that would be used to prevent the wrongdoer from benefiting from any contractual relationship that may arise out of the interference, i.e., the performance of a singer who was originally contracted with the plaintiff to perform at the same time.
Bally has a severe mental disorder and refuses to take the meds that help control the condition. Now Bally is taking a cocktail of pain killers and Xanax and is spiraling downward.
ReplyDeleteBally please seek the help that you need and realize that the paranoia can be controlled. There are people that care about you and want you to get better. Bally is proof that our mental health services are in shambles; they cannot hold someone longer than 48 hours!!!!!!!
Neo disc does not function artificial disc does. Bally is an idiot and has no idea what he/she is talking about. The data coming out of europe is not great, showing that we need to move in a new direction, and companies are working on it.
ReplyDeleteBally.....even if the perfect disc is developed it only helps a small patient population. What happens to the larger group of patients that have severe stenosis and over-grown arthritic facets? You can bitch and moan as much as you want but these patients have an improved quality of life post fusion.
ReplyDeleteOne of the cons simply copied and pasted the same insults he used in another post.
To the other poster who seems to be quoting industry propaganda could you please post a link to these studies to show that you are not just pulling stuff out of your butt. You may be telling the truth but if you are associated with this industry the chances of you telling the truth are slim and none. These discs have been in use in Europe for over 12 years and the data I have read makes no mention of problems.
I won't be holding my breath waiting for a link to data showing that any or all of the four discs I mentioned have had significant problems with stenosis, facet arthritis and bone growth.
Surgeons cannot even tell you with any authority what happens when bone is removed. Some will tell you that removing osteophytes causes them to grow back with a vengeance. That either come back are they don't. I was also told by several experts that if this line is functioning properly from a mechanical point of view than the osteophytes will not grow back.
If what you say is true regarding bone growth after total disk replacement than one has to ask what is it about the disc implant the causes bone growth. Could it be the titanium or other materials which are the same materials used in screws and plates. With these degenerative changes have occurred with or without total disk implant? Perhaps the cause of overgrown facets and stenosis is caused by how the end plates are prepared. Those keel designs look like trouble to me. You can answer all these questions simply by posting a link supporting the claims that you are making.
What is typical of this industry is that one company trashes another companies products and technology and what they say may or may not be true but there is no way to actually find out who is telling the truth since the industry are the ones controlling the information.
I don't know what is worse about this industry, the dishonesty or the incompetence.
If these discs are causing the problems that you claim then there should be something on Google scholar that you can post. I will read it with a healthy dose of skepticism because as we all know this industry is a morals alleycat.
ProDisc C has had pretty good results...
ReplyDeleteI'm really getting sick of hearing broad-based and fact free statements coming out of this industry. . If you are telling the truth then I apologize but chances are you are parroting industry propaganda. It makes perfect sense that the unconstrained metal shedding ball and socket designs used in the US are far worse than fusions. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. The fact that these Frankenstein devices were even considered for testing let alone it approved is more testimony to the incompetence and corruption of the spine industry. Not only to those pieces of crap shed toxic metal the only thing stopping them in the rotation, flexion and extension is bone. I don't trust anything this industry says because most of the people that I have encountered from this industry are whores.
ReplyDeleteI want to be able to advise people about all the options. If they could rely on honest surgeons to tell the truth I wouldn't be here but there are simply too many horror stories out there and you can find them on most of the spine forums that cater to patients. Based on that information I have read mostly good things about total disk replacement using motion constraining disk. I have not read a lot of good things about fusion and when I read that fusion is a gold standard I know that it is because of the gold it mines from patients. An American surgeon who I consider to be honest told me that his opinion the motion constraining discs are superior to fusion but that the unconstrained discs will do more harm than good. The unconstrained desks are available for use in the US but the motion constraining discs are unavailable. Based on the track record of this industry and are FDA lapdogs I'm inclined to believe that motion constraining disc replacements are the best option. Until I am shown some scholarly articles saying otherwise I'll continue to believe that motion constrained disc replacements are currently the best option for the majority of patients with disc disease. I could be wrong, but based on commonsense a flexible insert that acts like a real disk makes a lot more sense than a metal shedding unconstrained ball and socket or bone, plates and screws.
If these discs are indeed causing bone growth it probably has more to do with the materials than the mechanics. There are inert materials that can be used in the spine.
Successful industry veteran here. Had c5-6 replaced with total disk. Best choice i ever made. All symptoms gone immediately post op and back in the gym in 5 days with zero restrictions.
DeleteWill my level above breakdown? Maybe
Will I get cancer from type of material? Maybe
Will my head fall off? Maybe
But I can assure you, there is no one on this post that know the answers, including surgeons and my quality of life is back to normal.
Wish all you experts could have back or neck surgery. Then and only then do you actually know what a patient goes thru.
Sincerely 15yr Spine Industry vet.
Thanks for the post, what was causing your pain was a herniated disc. It was removed so that is why you are feeling better. You would have felt the same with an ACDF because the pain generator was removed(herniated disc). I hope that the TDR does help you in the long run but no one knows. If you look at the numbers most people who have a one level ACDF do great. The question is weather or not it will help down the road. The jury is still out on that, but let's not over sell the TDR. Good luck
DeleteYou guys all talk crap on Nuva but I couldn't be happier! I am a successful rep and drank the purple Koolaid a while ago. Top notch procedural solutions and the best trained reps hands down. How many of you guys are standign around looking at MRIs and talking pathology and helping your surgeon make treatment decisions? How many other companies are investing in teaching new procedures with potentially better outcomes? A bunch of you people should consider new careers if you are so miserable. Too much pissing and moaning, go find whatever makes you happy and I will keep doing what I love.
Hmmn, a NUVA sales rep who "helps surgeon makes treatment decisions". Please advise who this surgeon is and where he practices Mr."I wanna-be-a-surgeon-too" What a tool.
DeleteSeeing you soon in a courtroom near you.
DeleteWhich will be first?
A)"How many of you guys are standign around looking at MRIs and talking pathology and helping your surgeon make treatment decisions?"
"a NUVA sales rep who "helps surgeon makes treatment decisions". Please advise who this surgeon is and where he practices"
B)tortious interference of business.
Although the specific elements required to prove a claim of tortious interference vary from one jurisdiction to another, they typically include the following:
1.The existence of a contractual relationship or beneficial business relationship between two parties.
2.Knowledge of that relationship by a third party.
3.Intent of the third party to induce a party to the relationship to breach the relationship.
4.Lack of any privilege on the part of the third party to induce such a breach.
5.The contractual relationship is breached.
6.Damage to the party against whom the breach occurs. [1]
ReplyDeleteI was worried, almost 3/4 into the article and no mention of NUVA?!? Wait.. there it is!
Alex's marching orders from NSM was to be disruptive in the industry and run circles around the competition. Sounds like that is what we are doing! Bases on all the free press and publicity you give! - Thank you.
Nuvasive is a great company to be with right now. Solid leaders who are knowledgeable and engaged in the Spine World, kick ass products, killer training center in sunny San Diego, competitive compensation, now I know why you there is so much jealousy on this site... I would hate to take my surgeon to Philladelphia, New Jersey, or Indiana this time of year (or any time for that matter).
ReplyDeleteWilliam H TAFT?
DeleteAfter reading the defensive preamble by TSB, I just couldn't force myself to read the rest of the ridilculously long and boring post. Then I saw the replies and then.... Bally. That's when I finally had an epiphany that I haven't read anything on this blog in many months that was beneficial to my professional endevours as a distributor of spinal implants. So this is goodby TSB and Bally and all of the soap opera wanna be's and testosterone overdosed, name calling, hair gelling reps.
ReplyDeleteBest post in months!
Delete"The people's blog site where news, ideas, job opportunities and what's been heard on the street can be discussed in a professional manner."
What part of that statement holds true? I've been in multiple cases this week where a surgeon has had a profound impact on a patients life. I have a network of good solid caring surgeons who I help support.
Yes there are hacks and shills and money grubbing crooks. Hell look at our government. But you are telling me there are not solid surgeons working hard to help effectively treat patients?
I make a good living supporting my family and contributing to society. But this blog tells me I am a scumbag? That we should be more like Europe?
TSB, you post no positives just negatives. So are you saying there is no redeeming value in what I do? What many in this industry do?
Or are we once again focused on the fringe, the outliers? Magnifying their voices, their vitriolic ramblings.
I find it hard to believe that evil exists in what I do. However, I do think evil checks in here every so often.
AnonymousFebruary 19, 2013 at 7:13 PM TAKES BALL AND GOES HOME
DeleteAfter reading the defensive preamble by TSB, I just couldn't force myself to read the rest of the ridilculously long and boring post. Then I saw the replies and then.... Bally. That's when I finally had an epiphany that I haven't read anything on this blog in many months that was beneficial to my professional endevours as a distributor of spinal implants. So this is goodby TSB and Bally and all of the soap opera wanna be's and testosterone overdosed, name calling, hair gelling reps.
If you are selling instrumentation than your endeavors are not very beneficial to patients because in most cases spine surgery instrumentation such as plates pedicle screws and rods are inferior to fusion which is safer, more efficacious and less expensive.
The name-calling from the reps here has nothing to do with testosterone because it is clear to see that know the bootlickers have a whole lot of testicular fortitude and that's why they are such whiners liars. The sophomoric insults are caused by genetics as I suspect that many of these reps have a larger than normal dose of gorilla and Neanderthal DNA making them Machiavellian monkeys subservient to their even more Machiavellian masters.
We all get it, you along with the rest of the industry is running scared because more and more sunlight is illuminating your industry and sunshine sanitizing. Patients are becoming more informed and people like Bali and MSM are informing them. Now that financial and business relationship between surgeons and companies are being disclosed patients are now armed with even more information about their potential surgeon.
Personally, I think your get out of the screw business because it's coming to an end. MSM has credibility and anyone who has even a little bit of knowledge of the corruption in this industry knows that he's telling the truth and of the same time they know that his critics have something to hide.
Free $$$$ from the board of directors at Vertiflex.
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on with SI Bone and T Code? Insurance Carriers say Not Medically Necessary, more level 1,2,3, data needed? How long? Is this "Discogenic" all over again?
ReplyDeleteYou say "I'm really getting sick of hearing broad-based and fact free statements coming out of this industry." And then spend a 1000 words giving a fact free opinion of devices with one surgeon as your source. Talk to 2 more surgeons and you'll get 2 more different opinions. Disc replacement is not the panacea that you and Bally think it is. The data doesn't agree with you. Is there a place for it? Yes. Is constrained better than unconstrained? Maybe. There is even a study out there that showed a simple steel ball placed in the disc space provided relief to many patients. So unconstrained may also have a place. Don't go all in if you don't know the data and claim to detest others who do the same
DeleteSome of your accusations have merit. There is certainly some filth in this industry (as there is in all industries), but your sweeping generalizations cause you to lose all credibility. Nobody who spokes in absolutes can be taken seriously. Some people are attacking you and making ridiculous claims, you're doing the same. In all truthfulness, reality is somewhere in the middle.
If you truly want to make a difference in this industry (maybe bring your designs to market), maybe you should stop the assault on everybody within the industry and be a little more even keeled. Stop being so accusatory, because there are good people in this industry that can't take you seriously when they feel you are attacking their talent and integrity. You'll get nowhere in exposing any corruption, or launching your devices, without making friends with some of the good people out there. Seriously, stop being abrasive to everyone if you really care. If you're actually just looking for attention, keep acting like a child.
Delete4:26 here. Please unblock Bally's reply. I get a kick out his rants and to be honest, the more he spouts off, the less credible he becomes, if that's even possible. If he insulted me or my family, I promise, I can take it.
Acxording to their preliminary results, NuVasive grew again YOY. Their 2012 call with analysts is next week. I find it highly unlikely anyone "sat in" on a recent call with Alex and analysts prior to the 2012 call NEXT WEEK!
ReplyDeleteYou hate NUVA. We get it. It must have been a bad breakup because you can't let it go.
SI Bone is toast ... a one trick pony that overvalued themselves. Fire Sale in a few months.
ReplyDeleteYou are delusional.
ReplyDeleteYou are most likely a bitter seventeen year old with no friends, blogging away furiously in your parents basement, strangely attacking fat people and the modern medical industry.
You are dangerously obsessive compulsive and your multiple aliases reveal untreated schizophrenia.
And you know it.
You are the next Adam Lanza.
You just won the argument AGAINST yourself, FOOL!
DeleteIts YOU that have been going Adam Lanza, executing the innocent.
You are the only one in the room not seeing that.
You are boring and have been found short of grey matter. Go back to insulting fat people on your other blogs in order to make yourself feel superior to at least someone.
TSB and "Bally" make a great pair, you have to admit!
ReplyDeleteHow odd that TSB "allows" "Bally" to put out such nonsense, yet post the same nonsense "himself" like under this topic- at least TSB can spell - when posting as bally, however, with no meds, posts disintegrate into child's mispellings....
so has TSB been outed as "Bally", or vice versa?
Is this blog now dead, as nothing more than a bitter psychotic's rambling?
Hey, News Flash, loser:
DeleteThere is exactly only ONE poster posting on your "blog", Ball-envy:
Your multiple aliases here, there, and elsewhere only highlight your schizophrenia.
Is it lonely to talk to only yourself?
Why are you so full of self-hate and loathing? You are comical and predictable nevertheless- alas broken records are always boring.
I don't know who's worst, BB for the incessant rant or the anonymous poster that constantly replies to BB. We know BB MO, but does this other person have a life? I guess you have not learned an important lesson in life "don't feed the beast."
Deletelet's talk about the layoff's DS is going to impose this year because they guaranteed everyone jobs last year, and now they have a ton of overlap.
ReplyDeleteA ton of overlap? Spine lost 2/3rds of their veteran engineers and legacy Depuy's staff is nothing to bat an eye at.
ReplyDeleteBelow are stock sales from 2005 to 2012 for Alex Lukianov
ReplyDeleteMany Executives make most of their money from stock options, not salary.
Many NUVA people have made a killing on stock options.
See for yourself at
Date Name Shares Total Value
3/7/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $127,220.00
4/7/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $126,350.00
5/6/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $135,400.00
6/7/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $155,375.00
7/8/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $174,230.00
8/5/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $193,345.00
9/8/2005 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $188,187.00
10/7/2005Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $169,000.00
11/7/2005Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $161,135.00
12/7/2005Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $374,128.00
1/9/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $360,414.00
2/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $399,268.00
2/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $100,056.00
3/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $186,436.00
4/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $182,041.00
5/5/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $199,940.00
6/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $158,596.00
7/10/2006Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $179,818.00
8/7/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $191,946.00
9/8/2006 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $193,867.00
10/6/2006Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $313,098.00
11/7/2006Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $347,289.00
12/7/2006Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $476,130.00
1/9/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $437,200.00
2/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $483,650.00
3/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $457,688.00
4/9/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $479,538.00
5/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 25,000 $657,010.00
6/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 897 $22,813.70
6/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 24,103 $613,019.00
7/9/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 25,000 $684,295.00
8/7/2007 Lukianov Alexis V 25,000 $723,652.00
9/10/2007Lukianov Alexis V 35,000 $1,110,440.00
10/5/2007Lukianov Alexis V 35,000 $1,240,400.00
11/7/2007Lukianov Alexis V 35,000 $1,476,830.00
12/7/2007Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $839,450.00
1/8/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $773,262.00
2/7/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $754,250.00
3/7/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $679,220.00
4/7/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $735,010.00
5/7/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $771,212.00
8/7/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 30,000 $1,687,890.00
9/8/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 25,000 $1,217,000.00
9/8/2008 Lukianov Alexis V 700 $35,000.00
10/7/2008Lukianov Alexis V 1,737 $78,165.00
10/7/2008Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $897,600.00
10/7/2008Lukianov Alexis V 3,263 $146,835.00
11/7/2008Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $225,000.00
11/7/2008Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $896,508.00
12/5/2008Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $175,000.00
12/5/2008Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $334,012.00
1/8/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $337,042.00
2/6/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $562,095.00
4/8/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $300,000.00
5/7/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $565,444.00
6/5/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $205,326.00
6/5/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $617,442.00
7/8/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $200,000.00
7/8/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $597,582.00
8/7/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $848,666.00
9/8/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 15,000 $582,242.00
9/9/2009 Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $200,000.00
10/7/2009Lukianov Alexis V 20,000 $833,142.00
3/5/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 2,500 $106,250.00
3/5/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $417,849.00
4/8/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 12,500 $541,771.00
5/7/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 10,000 $394,793.00
6/7/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 7,500 $280,739.00
7/8/2010 Lukianov Alexis V 5,000 $176,900.00
5/6/2011 Lukianov Alexis V 8,994 $285,128.00
5/6/2011 Lukianov Alexis V 8,994 $285,128.00
7/9/2012 Lukianov Alexis V 1,000 $25,284.00
It's called corporate entitlement.
DeleteThe age old dilemma: Does the CEO make decisions on innovation or are his decisions based on the size and manipulation of his portfolio? This was talked about in the late 90's. Regardless of how good or bad anyone runs a company, is he worth it that kind of money? As Aristotle said, " the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." What value does the engineer bring that comes up with a potential innovation? Is he more valuable than a Lukianov? Maybe these are the types of questions that need to be answered. Let's be honest, a monkey, or an arrogant bear, can run a company if you have the right people in place underneath you.
DeleteAlex should be forced to pay back some of his "take" after the way that the company has performed over the last 2 years.
DeleteDavid Paul.....33million, Aug 2012 when Globus went public
DeleteDoes anyone know how much the Wenzel Spine varilift cage costs?
ReplyDeleteBally please get help and STOP taking the painkillers and Xanax! You were doing so well when you were taking your meds.
ReplyDeleteEveryone needs to stop poking Bally, we are dealing with a very sick individual. This is a prime example of how terrible our mental healthcare system is and is why all these psychos are shooting up the country.
I post as Bally, or anonymously, or under other aliases. So? Who are you to say I'm crazy?
DeleteThat's up to my doctors. You reps will soon be out of a job. Your bosses are criminals.
Every spine device marketed has only resulted in 120% death of patients.
I hate fat people, they remind me of myself. Its so true you never are angry at others: only angry at yourself in what you see in others. Nevertheless I am angry, yes and resentful, but mostly dissappointed with myself. That is why I take it out on others.
But you reps are reprehensible, because you actually help others, unlike my meager failed attempts. Well I have ideas, really. Don't laugh ! I have drawings here... Sure the crayon is smudged but they are really good ideas! Better than those "High and Mighty" surgeons who go to school longer than they allowed me, true, but they had all the breaks. I could have been an real engineer but they let in FAT PEOPLE ! And they got the slot I so deserved!
So I am rambling again being off my meds but all you thin attractive reps BURN IN HELL ! and all you corporate evil Neocons just keep pumping out the True Value bolts into innocent victims... Oh if you could just see my smudged crayon drawings you would be so jealous... And line up to ask me out on a date.. Not that you deserve me, only Daddy does, but that's another story... Do you hate fat people too? enough to spend hours criticizing them? Whew, I feel the same way, I hate it when a fatty gets the job I should have got, or the hottie I fantasize getting... All the stupid spine implants are like hardware... Have I said that recently? Oh yeah and all the people are criminal and will lose their jobs like me, so you will be no better than me, so how's THEM apples, Mr and Mrs Hottie Rep?! Huh? So there, take THAT!
You are sick and need help and I hope you get it.
DeleteOh and another thing before I forget all your CEOs should be imprisoned along with all those loathsome Fatties
DeleteWhy am I so obsessed with sending those I don't like to prison, you might ask?
DeleteI'm jealous, that's why, of others who have figured out how to win in life, while I never learn, so I just sit back and criticize.
Bally you are a very sick individual and need to seek help for you anger. We have enough crazies shooting people and don't need another. I suggest you start by speaking to a therapist. I am not joking, you have a serious problem that needs to be treated
DeleteBally is in reality a very bored Neo-con, who loves nothing more than tweaking folks.
Loves the industry, loves reps, Rush, Bush and Romney too, despite the charade.
Laughing now, even while denying it, masquerading as several opposing posters.
Games over. Yawn.
Are you seriously saying that starting a blog is harder than selling screws for $1000 apiece with over 100 competitors? There are n countable reps with screws they can't sell, just like your blog that nobody reads, and its FREE! You lose because your a loser.
DeleteThanks for correcting my spelling and I deserved to be "pwned".
DeleteYou are so f***ing pathetic! You just "pwned" yourself. Plus you posted as "El" and signed as "Bally". Keep your transparent aliases straight dipshit.
Bally, I would be willing to make a wager of $10,000 that I could give you a suit, the same implants that I sell but you could sell for 1/3 what i sell them for and 1 full year and you would never get a single PO. And I would also bet that any of the reps on this blog would bet against you as well.
DeleteBecause surgeons don't buy implants from catalogs, they use systems that are represented by professionals they rely on for knowledge, service, sense of urgency to get things right and are pleasant to spend countless hours with. That latter being the primary reason you would never be able to sell a screw at any price. And since you are so knowledgeable about manufacturing, why don't you see if you can make a pedicle screw for $5. That comment is further indisputable proof that you don't know shit about the business you feel called to rally against. You are a rebel without a clue and without any power to affect change. Sucks being you.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNow dats some funny chit! LOL! "Post of the Year" !
DeleteGreat read.
Education Information
ReplyDeleteTime Magazine's Cover Story - "A Bitter Pill, Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us"
Good article.
Delete"the health-care-industrial complex spends more than three times what the military-industrial complex spends in Washington."
When the patients are allowed to choose their own implants (with the suggestions of doctors), the device industry will think think more serious about the patient. Before that, it is all about surgeon relationship and of course kickback.
ReplyDeleteOMG... and I thought the financial industry was bad! I have never been a huge fan of doctors but I had no idea they would sink so low. What a shameful bunch.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteEvil has taken root in TSB. Not sure if MM can perform miracles.
ReplyDeleteHow can I find out which surgeons are on the take?
ReplyDeleteDo you have $40 to $80 million for an IED study? This is an FDA issue, not an industry issue.
ReplyDeleteBtW the product links you provided are not game changers at all and none of them have ever outperformed a single level ACDF in any study. I would not put any of these in my body.
ProDisc®-L has been found to be safe and efficacious. In properly chosen patients, ProDisc®-L (has been shown to be superior to circumferential fusion) by multiple clinical criteria.,_Randomized,.2.aspx
DeleteEven the crappy ProDisc is better than fusion.
The results of this clinical trial demonstrate that ProDisc-C is a safe and effective surgical treatment for patients with disabling cervical radiculopathy because of single-level disease. By all primary and secondary measures evaluated, clinical outcomes after ProDisc-C implantation were either equivalent or superior to those same clinical outcomes after Fusion
M6 and Bryan are superior to fusion. Conclusions. In comparing these prospective studies the authors demonstrated that maintaining motion rather than fusion will prevent symptomatic adjacent-disc disease and will decrease adjacent-level radiological indicators of disease at a 24-month postoperative interval.
More proof showing the superiority of TDR to Fusion
For Cervical spondylosis cervical arthroplasty is superior!
An appreciation of the frequency with which cervical fusion accelerates adjacent disc disease has led to the development of mobile artificial disc prostheses. At least six models are well advanced in clinical trials. Initial results show that such discs are as effective as current surgical techniques involving fusion, that they have few complications and that they preserve the range of movement of the relevant intervertebral joint. The question as to whether they will endure and prevent accelerated disc disease will only be answered by very long-term studies (10–20 years). Meanwhile, the results are encouraging and cervical arthroplasty may well be indicated in the majority of cervical disc problems requiring surgery, provided they are not associated with other local spinal disease or instability.
Conclusion. The Bryan artificial disc replacement compares favorably to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for the treatment of patients with 1-level cervical disc disease. At the 2-year follow-up, there are statistically significant differences between the groups with improvements in the NDI, the neck pain and arm pain VAS scores, and the SF-36 physical component score in the Bryan disc population.,.2.aspx
Why do you spine shills come here and LIE so much?!
Tell me again why you think we, as sales reps, have a conspiracy against TDR? Last time I checked, we sell those for more than the implants for a fusion and therefore make more money on them.
DeleteEvery one of those studies has at least one author who is a consultant for a TDR manufacturer. Nice work Columbo!
DeleteSure, Bally can't spell, but I Iike Bally anyway,
ReplyDeleteAnd sure Bally lies under all those fake poster names, but I like Bally anyway.
And sure Bally is full of crap and is just an attention troll of no accuracy whatsoever, but I like Bally anyway.
Liars fear links and that is why they won't post them.
One of the biggest companies got fined 2.2 BILLION for fraud.
Another huge device company got fined 23.5 million for bribery.
Globus Criminal CEO David Paul fined $1 million. LINK...
Synthes criminals execs go to JAIL! LINK
Synthes kills at least 5 people with their illegal activity. LINK
You shills end up looking worse and worse the more you try to defend your venal industry. You will get busted on your lies at least when you post here.
It got so bad for one rep that he wrote a song about it and posted it on You Tube
I don't have anything against TDR, but the long term data, beyond 2 years, shows an increase in pain and disability and as much as 63% of patients with Grade 3 or 4 heterotopic ossification. These are European studies. The bottom line, regardless of Ballys non-logical contempt for ACDF, is that virtually all patients with ACDF or TDR do well, with no long term superiority for either group. The results probably vary more by surgeon than they do by implant choice. There's no conspiracy, just a whole bunch of patients doing well and nobody (that matters) is passionate about the way they get these good results whether by fusion or TDR.
ReplyDeleteThat is why France is no longer paying for TDR. Lumbar discs are a failure and cervical is equivalent to a 1 level ACDF. The info provided in recent posts does a disservice to patients. I have been in 10-15 lumbar disc revisions, all around 2 years post op.
ReplyDeleteFrance is covering 3 lumbar disc : prodisc, maverick and Mobidisc.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousFebruary 27, 2013 at 8:27 AM LIED!
DeleteThat is why France is no longer paying for TDR. Lumbar discs are a failure and cervical is equivalent to a 1 level ACDF. The info provided in recent posts does a disservice to patients. I have been in 10-15 lumbar disc revisions, all around 2 years post op.
AnonymousFebruary 27, 2013 at 8:50 AM TOLD THE TRUTH!
France is covering 3 lumbar disc : prodisc, maverick and Mobidisc.
The question is, to the rep droids believe the lies they parrot or are they simply trained to lie.
And of course non of the rep droids can even post a link to a study supporting their claims. TDR is superior to ACDF in every study and the jury is still out on lumbar.
Rep droids are like Republicans, when they make a statement it is either a lie, distortion or fact free. What a pathetic bunch.
I wonder if you Reps can taste the bullsh*t that's coming out of your mouths.
DeleteNot that you will read it, or understand it, but heres a link to the study referenced at 6:40am. You obviously only believe what you want to believe, so I know in advance this is a waste of time, but you asked for it so there it is. There are others you can find for yourself, but with all of the "research" you have done, I'm sure you ran across them but chose to ignore the ones that don't make TDR look great (in other words, the ones not written by industry consultants). You dopes rail on the Infuse studies being falsified as if consultants don't write virtually all of the studies for companies trying to differentiate themselves with new technology, in this case TDR. But mysteriously, the Infuse studies are criminal and the TDR studies are rock solid golden proof positive. Again, you guys are too stupid to understand that you continue to prove yourselves wrong with your own statements and accusations. I get the fact that you have a lot of anger and need an outlet, may I suggest masturbation instead of TSB? Studies show it to be more 75% effective than trolling on forums outside of your area of understanding.
Why are you so compulsively fixated on the spine industry and fat people?
DeleteWhat epic failure in your own life, do you see being righted by your psychotic
posts using so many obvious aliases? You are as big a liar, or bigger, than those you attack.
What is your self-imposed self-flagellation all about? And can you go and do it in private and leave us alone?
Because everyone is tired of your simple-minded broken record. Its criminal.
And it is obvious to everyone you are in your own private hell of anguish of your own guilt.
Fines? Glaxo, UBS and BP have all paid fines as individual companies higher than all of the spine industry fines combined.
DeleteAwesome, now we're discussing TDR data. That's great, especially since it has little to no relevance at this stage of the game.
ReplyDeleteNUVA blows chunks!
It's obvious as heck: "Bally" was in the industry. Made one sale. Didn't go well because "Bally " screwed up.
ReplyDeletePoor Bally has been haunted by guilt ever since.
If you didn't screw up Bally you wouldn't have all this compulsive guilt you try and turn toward others.
Broken Record Bally protests, says " No, that's not the reason, evil Neo Cons, really ! But it's as clear as day, Bally f***ed up again, and blamed others, because Limp Ballsack is Ball-less sound like the next movie theater/school shooter. The discussion should be about how our mental health system is failing us. You blew a fuse and are a psycho. Please seek help for all the paranoia.
ReplyDeleteI have an even cheaper source and a huge list of surgeons. Let's put a big hurt on their revenue stream.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot more Chinese copies available.
It may be a good idea to contact a malpractice lawyer who specializes in botched spine surgeries even before you have surgery. They can tell you who are the worst of the worst.
ReplyDeleteAny surgery that makes you worse is a botched surgery so if you got hurt contact a lawyer.
I got spine surgery from a neo con surgeon and woke up after the case with giant boner. You better wrap you dick in a dick sock before surgery or you may wake up with a boner too! This whole industry is corrupt! US CON surgeons are giving their patients boners! Lawyer up and nail these monsters!
ReplyDeleteI am going to sue China because they caused me back pain! I moved into a new house and it had Chinese toilets. I take huge massive shits and these communists turd buckets keep clogging. I am constantly bent over plunging and throwing my back out! This is all China's Kohler never used to clog and my back was fine! I have been forced to shit in my neighbors yard and blame it on a dog in the area to save my back. I am going to sue the shit out of those communists shit clogging toilet makers.
ReplyDeleteI had a NEO CON Sp e surgeon give me a pink sock! I am so tired of these idiots think they know everything! I told him to lube up before giving me anal but he insisted that I didn't "clinically" need it. Now I am sitting in a hotel with my asshole inside out! I hate these NEO CONS and their cheap screws!
ReplyDeleteHere's a fact, I read the guideline you cited that was publish in 2004. It only looked at non-specific, chronic low back pain and while there is strong evidence that PL fusion is as effective as instrumented fusion, there was also evidence that instrumented was superior and more cost effective, although that evidence wasn't as strong. The was no evidence that instrumented fusions performed worse than PL fusions or non surgical treatment. Bally, its easy to read 10 pages and pick out 1 line that agrees with your opinion, but the 1 line doesn't provide the "truth". Please provide the source that says metal fixation should be discarded in most cases. I'm sure there's more truth in there that you don't want to acknowledge.
DeleteBally BalldezFebruary 28, 2013 at 10:42 PM With great erudition said...
The European Guidelines for lumbar chronic pain management show "strong evidence" indicating that complex and demanding spine surgery where different instrumentation is used, is not more effective than a simple, safer and cheaper posterolateral fusion without instrumentation. Recently, the literature published in this field is sending a message to use "minimally invasive techniques"; - the abandonment of transpedicular fusions. Surgery in general, and usage of metal fixation should be discarded in most cases.
There you have it reps. Your screws plates and rods only make things worse.
Facts win again! Reps lose again <:-("
There appears to be no medical reason to use screw, plates and rods. Once again, surgeon and industry greed trumps patient welfare.
Here are 224 scholarly article backing what Bally said.
FBSS occurs as a complication in 5–40% of patients undergoing lower spinal surgery.
Why don't you reps admit that what you do does more harm than good?
You solved the problems! You figured it out. We should all go home now and thank the lord for Sybil and her many faces. Me, I plan on quitting today. Retire city as I count my greenbacks on the beach in a foregin country where I hid all my money. In fact, as face #3 (El)likes to get it political then I don't have to quit since Sen. Muddy Waters said there will be no jobs (170 million lost)after today anyway. Another bright light in the Dem party representing her constituents.
DeleteAnd since there have been no improvement in spine for "50 years" face #1 (Bally) was quoted as saying, then the little girl getting her scoli surgery today should just get off the table and slowly waste away. too bad! (
See all you rich guys on the same beach! No freaks allowed.
Liar! Those articles do not back up what Bally said. They were references on Wikipedia used to define failed back syndrome, it's causes, treatment, prognosis etc. The first section even claimed that recent guidance in Europe supported more aggressive surgical treatment. You have no inkling about interpreting study data and you only believe what you want to believe so you are forever locked up in world of lopsided truth. The "facts" listed by Bally are carefully selected bites from a study and don't prove a damn thing. Anyone with basic cognitive skills can see the flaws in your arguments. I don't think you argue to win, you argue to argue.
DeleteThere appears to be no medical reason to use hardware? That statement makes it crystal clear that you are unqualified to dig ditches due to lack of mental capacity.
DeleteI read the wiki article and its data based on surveys of patients who had failed back syndrome. Up to 40% of patients have failed back surgery syndrome but in truth it failed surgeon syndrome.
DeleteSo tell us what should the screw look like? Can you tell us anything specific? And why would your design be better for bone? What data do you ahve that would support this?
DeleteAnd who says screw back out all the time? We never have that problem.
Once again your comment exposé your utter ignorance of anything related to the spine, spine hardware or pathology. Your comments about screw threads now has me believing that you simply want to stir the pot because no one, and I mean not a single person on this planet would agree with you. Sometimes when people lie anout something they dont really know about, they get cocky and say something so far out of reality that the liar is exposed. That just happened.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteUnfortunately, no studies have been done on the extent of your stupidity so I can't quote a link. Oddly, you made the ridiculous comment about sheet metal screws and, of course, offered no proof (and btw, a link is not proof but pro bloggers like you think they are). I think I can make the boilerplate statement that you are completely clueless without a study to back me up, and still be correct.
DeleteIt should also be pointed out that one of the "miracle" TDRs Bally speaks so highly of is made of silicon. Isn't this the material breast implant companies were sued into bankruptcy over?
ReplyDeleteYes but that was for bogus reasons. Silicon implants are safe, effective and used regularly. I love them!
DeleteSilicon has not been banned.
DeleteSilicon is widely used in breast implants. Some of the posters here work in the industry and they hate NuVasive because they make an ADR that is silicon in a carbon fiber weave. They see is as a threat to the status quo.
You guys have Bally all wrong. He is a Chiropractor.
ReplyDeleteYour grammar and spelling are atrocious. Are you retarded? I know that word offends liberals but only because it's accurate. But seriously, you may not be aware that you have developmental issues. A slow adult perhaps? Your picture is telling. I bet background checks have stopped you from purchasing weapons in the past and you need to register with the local authorities whenever you move into a new locale.
DeleteI porked a few chiropractors.
DeleteTSB and MM - These outsiders El and Bally are ruining your blog. If you wish to preserve the value and popularity of the blog with relevant people within the industry, you will have to block them.
ReplyDeleteYours truly,
Spine Industry Executive and TSB Fan
You say "stop lying" yet you pretend you're not Bally? WTF!
DeleteScrew Threads, Ha ha! Try answering the questions above El DoucheBag!
After your NAMBLE meeting I mean. !
Well, it's nice to see that another blog has turned into nothing but insults. This blog has become a true reflection of the spine industry as it has served to reinforce exactly how many tools there are in the industy.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't someone have the time to start a real posting forum for spine with registration and membership (free) required to post... and an effective moderator. There is a tremendous amount of good that could come from a real spine information online community. Unfortunately, this ain't it. I think TSB wants it to be that kind of forum, and he writes some very good lead articles, but he doesn't have the time to set it up as a real registered, moderated forum. I think he is a working man with a real job. Nothing wrong with that, its just not conducive to running a real forum.
ReplyDeleteMM is a pansy ass little bitch for not deleting Bally/El's posts. if you did this for a week, the freak would go back to World of War Craft. TSB is a complete PUSSY and will delete this comment.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous 2:41, BB, and El: As the moderator of this blog it is at my discretion to allow whatever I deem appropriate, in addition to allowing you all to exhaust your anger and frustrations with your lives, and like most Americans deflect that anger and frustration onto to others. Maybe you need to be tied down in a chair and be paid a visit by Bryan Mills. He would kindly drive a couple of finishing nails into your femurs, then connect some jumping cables to those nails and put you out of your misery. Get a life, snap out of it, and stop writing your inflammatory non-sense on this blog. Start your own if you have so much more to offer. The little boy on the fence in the movie Deliverance has a higher IQ, and that's scary.
ReplyDeleteRock on TSB!!!
DeleteWe all knew you cared!
Right on! Posting facts and links is typical troll stuff but spinning them takes real brains. We don't need these rabble rousers and trouble makers questioning our industry we have enough trouble from Obama and the device tax. No wonder we can't make good products.
DeleteAll post from BB and El removed! Finally. MSM, don't forget about Truth, ProudFA and Expect us. They are all the same as as Bally and El. Who wants to guess at the next alias they post with?
ReplyDeleteLooks like somebody got to TSB. Maybe now he will show all the positive things our industry is doing. I know that I'd sure like to know what they are. I know this is a great and noble industry full of very descent people and now maybe TSB can tell us all the great things this industry has done and highlight some of the industry greats and maybe we can get the many Nobel prizes for which we are long overdue.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking out the trash! Now let's go back to what we do best creating great products and leading the world in patient care and doing it with the highest ethical standards ever. Can I get an AMEN?!
Trans1 buys Baxano
ReplyDeleteDamn. Theres nothing to do on here now that the trolls are gone.
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ReplyDeleteDo you mind if I quote a few of your articles as long as I provide credit and sources back to your website? My blog site is in the very same niche as yours and my users would really benefit from some of the information you present here. Please let me know if this okay with you. Appreciate it! orthopaedic spine surgery Houston
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ReplyDeleteSyndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
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