The recent brouhaha that has created an imbroglio between Mr. Richard Kaul (aka Dr.) and Dr. Robert Heary (Neurosurgeon) has been high drama at its best. For those of you that haven't been following this saga, Mr. Kaul has been fighting the forces of evil, involving a total conspiracy between the State of NJ Medical Licensing Board, the orthopedic and neurosurgical community, the press, his former patients, and "Fat Boy Slim, aka Chris Christie. (Let's kick some more dirt on the round mound of rebound.) The irony of it all is that Poor Richard sees himself as a pioneer, a visionary, as being misunderstood. Who knows, maybe a descendant or protege of Michael DeBakey? In November of 2013, Mr. Kaul blogged on his own blogsite, while sitting in the lotus position, asking the question, "Who is the Spine Blogger?" One must admit, even TSB doesn't have the panache that Mr. Kaul exhibits when blogging. Richard, you don't mind if I call you Richard? Delusion? Deceit? I must suspect that you never heard the express that "people with a glass jaw shouldn't start a fight."
As for Private Heary? I do declare, even TSB must come to his defense. I feel like Captain John Miller in his quest to bring Private James Ryan home back to comfort and loving arms of his mother. TSB normally wouldn't give Mr. Kaul the time of day, let alone some publicity on the blog, but when someone accuses The Spine Blogger of highly inflammatory comments, let alone, making or allowing racially disparaging remarks about Indian physicians, that's where TSB draws the line. Richard just for your information, I love Indian Food and hang out with Indians, not the type that run around with bow and arrows. Professional toxicity, c'est moi. Rather than get into a pissing match with someone insignificant I would rather let Richard's track record speak for itself. I watched your "self-serving" YouTube Videos, intellectual discourse at its best coming from someone who is a self-proclaimed spine surgeon. So in a gesture to ensure you that the symbolic head has not been cut off…………..drumroll please………..Robert Heary is not the Spine Blogger. So in closing
"Richard do you understand me now,
sometimes I feel a little mad,
but don't you know that no one alive can always be an angel,
when things go wrong, I seem to be bad
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!"
A man of your intellectual capacity should know that sometimes its better to let a sleeping dog lie