Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NuVasive Calls an Audible?

It was reported that the quarterback at NuVasive, aka Alex Lukianov, held a team meeting on Tuesday to discuss the current "hoopla" behind reimbursement issues related to the XLIF. So the question is, "How far can you "stretch the rules" so that NuVasive employees can suggest the appropriate way to code and dictate post-op notes?" This is not the TSB's opinion, this was a question raised by an analyst. In addition, we have heard that some big users in the South have expressed their concern about not getting reimbursed and that if this situation continues they will discontinue using the product. TSB wants to know what our readers have heard in the last week?


  1. NASS is very clear how XLIF should be coded. Neither NUVA nor SYK nor MDT employees are in the business of "suggesting" how to code, they can only hand the surgeon NASS guidelines.

    It smells like TSB is on the short side of NUVA.

  2. No TSB it's not that TSB is on the Short Side, its that the Hedges are on the short side!

  3. Until now no surgeon has been denied coverage for XLIF

  4. Fusion is a Fusion. Lateral Fusion is NOT A NEW procedure. Scoli surgeons have done "flank" incisions for a LONG time...XLIF (Xerox, Coke, etc) is a brand name. All in all, it is a fusion...

  5. Anonymous says "until now no surgeon has been denied coverage for XLIF".

    If a Wall Street analyst finds a couple of recent denials would that be significant?
